Android-x86 - модицифированная версия Android Open Source Project (AOSP), для установки Android на ноутбуках/ десктопных ПК с чипами AMD и Intel. Последняя версия Android теперь доступна для установки на компьютеры и ноутбуки. На последних эта операционная система отлично смотрится благодаря хорошей экосистеме приложений.
Android-x86 (formely known as Patch Hosting for Android x86 Support) is a free, open source project that allows you to run Android on x86 operating systems. It is a port of the well-known Android Open Source Project led and offered for free by Google. The new Android-x86 software helps people use the Android operating system on a laptop or desktop computer. Though the software has its merits, it is also somewhat flawed. Lets dig into the details of Android-x86.
The Android-x86 software allows the mobile Google Android operating system to function on devices that are powered by AMD x86 / Intel processors rather than RISC-based ARM chips. However, it is important to point out that this software is not officially sponsored by Google. Those who would like a single Linux-based operating system to run on all of their devices will find that Android-x86 is a solid alternative.
The benefit to running Android on each device is that it allows you to keep all of your apps, settings and Google services aligned. Thankfully Android-x86 makes this happen without too many major obstacles. The new version of Android-x86 is fairly intuitive and easy to learn. It runs much faster than previous versions of Android on dedicated hardware. Use it on a variety of computing devices from netbooks to tablets and beyond and you'll likely be content with its performance Hardware acceleration is now available for Vmware ad Nvidia chips. A new Hal sensor even supports GPS.
Android-x86 should be lauded for its ability to seamlessly run the Android operating system on a laptop or desktop powered by AMD x86 / Intel processors. However, some users will be frustrated with the software's flaws and unreliability. If you aren't in any hurry to use your Android system on your traditional computers, it might be prudent to wait until the next version of Android-x86 is released.
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